To my loving parents,I've chang my lifestyle

In 2021, I was offered an opportunity to write a book about my work, but my gut feeling was that something wasn't quite right with the timing and I turned down the offer. But I wondered afterward whether I had made a mistake by doing so. Would an offer ever come again? 

Did I miss my one chance? Then, two years later my friend Jay Stinnett encouraged me to pursue writing a book. He added, “I know the perfect person to support you on this creative process, and he also happens to be one of my favorite people on the planet. His name is Randy Davila, and he is the president of Hierophant Publishing.” 

On May 5, 2021, I met Randy, and I immediately knew it was both the right time and right person. I am forever indebted to Randy for his patience and gentle guidance throughout this journey. Thank you for creating a book that captures my voice and simple essence. 

To my husband Ralph, to whom this book is dedicated, I love you more with each passing day. You are the best man I know. Thank you for making all of this possible. To my children who embody everything I got right: First, to my son Nicholas, thank you for being the one person in the world I know who truly loves everyone unconditionally. To my daughter Emily, whose beautiful voice and immeasurable talent always leave me breathless, thank you for filling my heart with melodious joy. I want to offer my gratitude to my entire family; both the Stancics and Pellecchias for their support on the home front. I love you all. 

To my friend Dilip Barman, who has supported my mission on several fronts to disseminate this health-promoting message, I am so very grateful. An abundance of gratitude to the extraordinary members of my moai ; Anne Bertasso, Donna Tarzian, Ken Reinhard, and Kathy Woods, who always encouraged, never doubted, and insisted I forge forward when I was ready to surrender. Thank you for making a lion of this mouse TPE gloves

 Finally, to my loving parents who valiantly immigrated to the United States to offer a better life for their children: Mami y Papi en el cielo; los quiero mucho Synthetic Gloves.


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