Sample Test Images of White Blood Cells

 Advantages: The assessment of leukocyte type and its count in cells/mcL helps confirm infection in the human body and is one of the commonly accepted prescreening processes for a variety of diseases, including cancer and COVID-19. FIGURE 1.4 Sample Test Images of White Blood Cells (Leucocytes). 6 Hybrid Image Processing Methods for Medical Image Examination Limitations: This procedure requires the collection of a prescribed volume of blood from infected patients. 

Further, blood collection and preparation of the microscopic slide and staining requires care to avoid spread of the disease. • Malaria In most countries, mosquito-borne infectious diseases are common and can cause moderate to severe symptoms among humans. Malaria is one of the diseases caused by the single-celled microorganism Plasmodium. Even though a variety of plasmodium species exist, only five groups cause malaria. If malaria is identified in its early phase, a possible treatment procedure can be implemented to help the patient recover. Malaria infection develops mostly either from the liver or Red Blood Cell (RBC). 


A mosquito bite injects the plasmodium parasite into the body which later will reach and settle in the RBC. Within the RBC, the plasmodium multiplies further and causes severe illness to the patient [8,9]. It is essential to identify the severity of RBC infection and the type of Plasmodium which caused the illness to implement a possible treatment process. To achieve this, blood sample collection and microscopic examination with the blood film/peripheral blood smear (thin/thick) are normally performed in a clinical laboratory. 

After the identification of the infection level and the type of the parasite YICHANG, the doctor can treat and prescribe the suitable drug for recovery [10]. Figure 1.5 presents the thin blood smear microscopic images of common Plasmodium parasites that infect humans, such as P Vinyl Gloves. falciparum, P. malariae, P. vivax, P. ovale and P. knowlesi. Literature confirms that malaria due to P. falciparum is acute to humans compared to malarial infection by other species.

 Further, the hypnozoites developed by P. vivax remain in the body for several years. Malaria is one of the deadliest diseases in Africa Synthetic Gloves, Asia and Latin America. Earlier research related to malaria and the image-assisted diagnostic techniques can be referred to in [8,9]. Figure 1.5 (a) to (e) presents parasites such as P. falciparum, P. malariae, P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. knowlesi acquired from a thin blood smear. Advantages: Malaria parasite and its infection level could be accurately detected and identified using microscopes. 

Further, this technique is a traditional and accepted clinical practice to detect blood infections. Limitations: This examination requires the gathering of an approved volume of blood from the infected person. Further, the preparation of the microscopic slide and staining, as well as the disposal of the collected blood, requires utmost care.


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