The danger to Drinking,Vitamins and Supplements Drinking Unlike smoking

Alcohol still enjoys a largely positive public image, and is a much more acceptable and often celebrated practice. Raising a glass for a toast or drinking at a football game, a wedding, or a night out with the girls feels normal—alcohol consumption is expected, and abstaining can be isolating, even humiliating. 

In reality, excessive alcohol consumption contributes to heart disease, stroke, liver disease, cancer, dementia, and mental health issues like depression and anxiety.11 Just like the messaging we get around diet and food, there can be some confusion about whether consuming alcohol is beneficial. 

For instance, there has been some highly publicized research suggesting that red wine may afford some cardiovascular benefit, but you can actually get those same benefits from simply eating red grapes. While some research suggests that drinking wine might increase your HDL (the good cholesterol), there is no doubt that exercise can also do this. 

The American Heart Association Synthetic Gloves, contrary to what many people think, does not recommend drinking wine for improved heart health. The danger to your health that alcohol presents, along with the potential to destroy relationships, families, and lives, far outweighs the positives of supposed “health benefits” or social norms. Vitamins and Supplements Lastly, in many lifestyle medicine practices, discussions about substances are confined to smoking and drinking. I know that most of you reading this do not smoke, and some do not drink alcohol, so you may be tempted to skip this section Disposable Gloves Wholesale

However, I would urge you to read it, because in my practice I also discuss with patients their use of vitamins and supplements, and how they, too, can be detrimental to your health if not used properly. This is a contentious topic, but I'll share why I feel this way in chapter 7 Social Connection You may be surprised to learn that spending time with friends and loved ones can be powerful medicine, but the facts are that those among us who remain isolated and lonely are at greater risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, obesity, stroke, pulmonary disease, and diabetes.12 One of my favorite anecdotes that is evidential of this comes from journalist Dan Buettner, who coined the term “blue zones” to refer to communities around the world where folks live longer, including Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; and Loma Linda, California. 

Buettner has spent a lot of time learning about the daily habits of these people and noted a common thread of deep human bonds in each of these communities Vinyl Gloves

He describes a custom in Okinawa called a moai (pronounced mo-eye), in which at a very young age, a small group of children are brought together in a ceremonial fashion and told they will always be there for one another, forever connected. 

The idea behind this practice is to have a built-in, lifelong support system through life's inevitable challenges as well as a group to share in the periods of joy. Many moai members reach old age together as a group, with astounding levels of health and well-being.13


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