Social connection can also affect the other spokes on the wheel

 For instance, I often teach my patients the importance of fostering relationships with people who will support healthy choices in their lives. In other words, don't go on that lunch date with the friend who pressures you to order that big piece of chocolate cake for dessert. That friend may be a great choice for another type of social outing, but learning to surround yourself with the right people at the right time can help you achieve your overall goals. 

I see this in my own practice when I hold a group support meeting. I may have eight patients who attend a group, all with a common set of goals. They may all be diabetics seeking to improve their outcomes. They often talk about how family and friends are not supportive, which makes it that much harder. These groups serve as our local moai, and I witness how these relationships foster positive outcomes. I see these patients begin to meet up for walks, share recipes, talk to one another about what's going on in their personal lives, and ultimately become lifelong friends. 

We'll discuss all the ways we can engage with community to not only boost our own well-being but also the health of those around usA Future You As we come to the end of this lifestyle medicine overview, I want you to do a little mental exercise with me TPE gloves. I want you to imagine a set of identical twins. While these twins have the same genes, their daily habits and routines are totally different. The first twin makes choices that he knows will benefit his health: he enjoys hiking and does so regularly with friends; he has made agreements at work that limit his stress; he doesn't smoke and rarely drinks; and he fills up his plate at mealtimes with whole plant-based foods Disposable Gloves Wholesale

The second twin didn't intend to make unhealthy choices, but over time he slipped into very different habits than his sibling—a diet with sugary drinks, processed foods, high-fat animal products, and a job that keeps him stressed and sitting in front of a computer until late in the evening. For this twin, exercise feels like a chore, and it's easier to veg at home in front of the TV than organize an outing with friends and family. 

His recent diagnosis of prediabetes carries a hefty load of guilt and is further eroding his self-confidence. From a genetic standpoint, these twins are the same—and yet their health, happiness, and longevity have completely diverged. Now imagine a “future you,” a version of yourself that is identical but has made different choices and is enjoying different outcomes. Let go of any shame and guilt you might have about the past, and be completely OK with wherever you are right now in terms of your own health and well-being. Now is the time you can start making changes for that future you—for your health Vinyl Gloves, longevity, and happiness—and the rest of this book will show you exactly how to do it.


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