Ho'oponopono is that the ancient peoples who advocated it saw it as medicine

 Oftentimes our relationships can become strained for a variety of reasons over long periods of time. Perhaps there are things we have said or done which we aren't proud of, but a formal apology may not be necessary, helpful, or even possible. 

In these cases, I invite you to try Ho'oponopono, a practice of reconciliation that comes from the indigenous communities of Hawaii and Polynesia. It has been adapted over time to become a practice of self-forgiveness as well. 

The word can be translated as “to make right.” At the heart of Ho'oponopono is the recitation of four simple yet powerful phrases—but rather than saying them to the person you have a conflict with, you close your eyes and speak them to yourself while keeping that person in mind. 

The phrases are: I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you While I don't know of any scientific study that has measured why or how this works, I do know this is a practice that has been in place for hundreds Disposable Aprons, if not thousands, of years. I have a friend who swears by it, and he says it worked in repairing a fractured relationship with a family member when nothing else would. After learning about the practice, he committed to repeating the mantra each evening before he went to bed for ten nights in a row. 

Over the days that followed, he noticed how each night after repeating those phrases he felt a little better about the conflict. That likely would have been enough for him to say the practice was beneficial, but what happened after that is what really sold him on it Disposable Gloves Wholesale

The following week, after not having spoken to this family member in years, she called him just to see how he was doing. My friend said he got chills when he saw her number on his caller ID. He also said that while neither of them discussed their past hurts, the relationship has continued to improve to the point that nothing else really needs to be said. 

What I also find interesting about Ho'oponopono is that the ancient peoples who advocated it saw it as medicine, because they felt that holding on to interpersonal conflict could manifest in physical illness. 

That reminded me of recent studies that have shown how forgiveness can improve your mental and physical health and how anger and hostility can increase your chances of developing coronary heart disease If you have a relationship that needs to be mended and speaking about the issues directly either isn't possible or might only make the relationship worse, I encourage you to give this powerful practice a try.


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