A sustainable global shift in the physician role

 When medical schools place salutogenesis on the same level of importance as pathogenesis, we will see a sustainable global shift in the physician role. Doctors will train in modules on nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep hygiene, substance intake, and social connectedness. Doctors will represent the healthiest amongst us, serving as the example to their patients. The environments in which they practice medicine ought to be representative of optimal health as well. Medical clinics can be stocked with whole foods and healthy snacks, and hospital cafeterias can be powerhouses of nutrition TPE gloves, providing food that prevents disease and maintains health. 

My hope is that one day we'll marvel at how it could have possibly been any other way, much the same way we are astonished at how at one point in time it was acceptable for doctors to smoke while making rounds in the hospital. 

Even if it feels like we have a long way to go in how we view medicine and health, and it's true that many are in denial about what's missing and broken in our system, you have taken the initiative to educate yourself about lifestyle medicine and how it can improve your health and even your whole life in any number of profound ways. You know that the greatest benefits of the lifestyle medicine wheel come through tending to each spoke simultaneously. 

You will keep learning, and you will keep refining the plan you have put in motion, backing up your successes with more investment and evaluating your failures and trying again. The goal is to live your optimal existence, free of chronic disease and unnecessary pain and suffering. This is your personal journey to optimal health, and you are in control. On a community level, your work will help fuel a shift in the health-care paradigm we so badly need. The Aha Moment What triggers a big aha moment that leads to lasting change? 

For me it was the study on blueberries and MS outcomes I mentioned in the introduction, as this started a search that would end in me making the most significant changes in my life. For other people, it may be an acute, life-altering event like suffering a heart attack or the loss of a loved one. Others may suddenly notice that their clothes always smell like smoke or that they have been struggling with chronic disease and can't stand it one moment longer. Sometimes this moment seems to simply come out of nowhere. 

In any case, how is it that we suddenly find it within ourselves to accept the challenge and do what we had never been able to do in the past? This is a difficult question! 

 As a physician, I would give anything to capture this moment so I could recreate it for my patients who are struggling to produce it for themselves. My best guess is that what we perceive as a singular aha moment is actually an accumulation of smaller events, full of things like awareness, frustration, and inspiration. In other words, rather than an “overnight success,” many aha moments might only occur after a steady Vinyl Gloves, lengthy trajectory of building awareness and staying open to what's possible I hope this book can be a part of your aha moment.


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