Blood sample screening is a commonly recommended procedure by doctors during routine health examinations

It is handled as an initial-level screening for infections and communicable diseases TPE gloves. Blood testing is a common lab analysis technique widely performed to measure the blood cell count and the infection in the cells Vinyl Gloves

An essential amount of blood is collected from the patient during this process as per the prescribed protocol. This is then used to evaluate the Complete Blood Count (CBC), blood chemistry, and blood enzymes.


 This section presents the image-assisted assessment of White Blood Cell (WBC) detection for Malarial and Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) infection. Once sufficient volume of the blood is collected from the patent using the prescribed protocol, the collected blood is converted into blood film/peripheral blood smear (thin/thick) using the glass microscope slide. 

These are then marked in such a way as to observe different blood cells. The marking/staining agents are used to enhance the visibility of the information to be collected from the peripheral blood smear Synthetic Gloves


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